Publications Library
G.Troup, Heinsohn, R., King, L. and K.L. Edwards. (2022) Exploring seasonal variation in the faecal glucocorticoid concentrations of African elephants living in a drought-prone, anthropogenic landscape. Wildlife Research.
M.Kinyanjui, Raja, N., Brennan, E., King, L. and L. Tiller. (2020) Local attitudes and perceived threats of human-elephant conflict: a case study at Lake Jipe, Kenya. Pachyderm.
G.Troup, B.Doran, J.Au, L.E. King, I.Douglas-Hamilton and R.Heinsohn. (2020) Movement tortuosity and speed reveal the trade-offs of crop raiding for African elephants? Animal Behaviour.
A.van de Water, L.E.King, R.Arkajak, J.Arkajak, N. van Doormaal, V.Ceccarelli, L.Sluiter, S.M.Doornwaard, V.Praet, D.Owen and K.Matteson. (2020) Beehive fences as a sustainable local solution to human-elephant conflict in Thailand? Conservation Science and Practice.
Butler, Kylie M. (2019) Behaviour and crop-raiding patterns of Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus): Can beehive fences help mitigate human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka? Thesis for Master of Philosophy (Environmental Science), University of Newcastle, Australia.
Lucy E. King (2019) Elephants and Bees: Using Beehive Fences to Increase Human-Elephant Coexistence for Small-Scale Farmers in Kenya (Book Chapter). Chapter 11, inside Human-Wildlife Interactions: Turning Conflict into Coexistence. Edited by Frank, B., Glikman, G.A. and S. Marchini. Cambridge University Press. ISBN – 10: 1108416063. ISBN – 13: 978-1108416061
Branco, P. S., Merkle, J.A., Pringle, R. M., King, L E., Tindall, T., Stalmans M. & Long, R. (2019)
An experimental test of community-based strategies for mitigating human-wildlife conflict around protected areas. Conservation Letters. Wiley
King, L.E. (2019 Fourth Edition)
Beehive Fence Construction Manual. A step by step guide to building a protective beehive fence to deter crop-raiding elephants from farm land. Published by Save the Elephants, Nairobi, Kenya.
Johnson, A. (2018)
The Effects of Tactile and Visual Deterrents on Honey Badger Predation of Beehives. MSc Thesis, Hunter College, New York.
King, L.E., Serem, E. & Russo, L. (2018)
Minimal effect of honey beehive fences on native bee diversity and abundance at the farm scale during the dry season in southern Kenya. Apidologie. DOI: 10.1007/s13592-018-0608-9
Weinmann, S (2018)
Impacts of Elephant Crop-Raiding on Subsistence Farmers and Approaches to Reduce Human-Elephant Farming Conflict in Sagalla, Kenya. MSc Graduate Thesis, University of Montana
Ruto, E (2018)
Assessing the potential impact of climate variability and anthropological activities on honey bee fodder plants in Sagalla, Taita-Taveta County, Kenya. MSc Thesis, University of Nairobi
King, L. Pardo, M. Weerathunga, S. Kumara, T. Jayasena, N. Soltis, J. & de Silva, S (2018)
Wild Sri Lankan elephants retreat from the sound of disturbed Asian honey bees. Current Biology, p64-65
Cook, R.M., Parrini, F., King, L., Witkowski, E.T.F. & Henley, M.D. (2018)
African honeybees as a mitigation method for elephant impact on trees. Biological Conservation, 217 p329-336
Cook, R.M., Henley, M.D. & King, L. (2018)
Elephants, Bees & Trees: Project Manual
Koskei M., Okita-Ouma B., Lala F., Mwazo A., Kibara D., Tiller L., King L., Pope F. & Douglas-Hamilton I. (2018)
The effect of the new standard guage railway (SGR) on elephant movements in Tsavo Ecosystem, Kenya (March 2016 – March 2018).
King, L.,Lala, F.,Nzumu, H., Mwambingu, E. & Douglas-Hamilton, I (2017)
Beehive fences as a multi-dimensional conflict mitigation tool for farmers co-existing with elephants. Conservation Biology, p1-10
King, L.& Raja, N. (2016)
Busy and buzzing on the frontline of human-elephant conflict. Swara Magazine. June p40-43.
Soltis, J., King, L., Vollrath, F. & Douglas-Hamilton, I. (2016)
Accelerometers and simple algorithms identify activity budgets and body orientation in African elephants Loxodonta africana . Endangered Species Research, p1-12
Gathuku, N (2015)
Effectiveness of Using Indigenous Knowledge in Human-Wildlife Conflict Management in Sagala, Taita Taveta, Kenya. Undergraduate Thesis, Technical University of Kenya
King, L (2015)
Using honey bees to save elephants. Biological Sciences Review, p16-19
Soltis, J., King, L.E., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Vollrath, F., Savage, A. (2014)
African Elephant Alarm Calls Distinguish between Threats from Humans and Bees. PLoS ONE 9(2): e89403. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0089403
King, L.E (2013)
Elephants and Bees: Could honey bees be effective deterrents for Asia’s crop-raiding elephants? Sanctuary Asia Magazine. October 2013.
King, L.E. (2014 Third Edition)
Beehive Fence Construction Manual. A step by step guide to building a protective beehive fence to deter crop-raiding elephants from farm land. Published by Save the Elephants, Nairobi, Kenya.
Lucy King (2012) Using honey bees as a natural deterrent for crop-raiding elephants: Includes details of how to build a protective Beehive Fence to deter elephants from rural farms. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN – 10: 3848404419. ISBN – 13: 978-3848404414
Soltis, J., Wilson, R.P., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Vollrath, F., King, L.E., Savage, A. (2012)
Accelerometers in collars identify behavioral states in captive African elephants Loxodonta africana. Endangered Species Research, Vol 18: 255-263.
King, L.E., Douglas-Hamilton, I. & Vollrath, F. (2011) Beehive fences as effective deterrents for crop-raiding elephants: field trials in northern Kenya. African Journal of Ecology. (j.1365-2028.2011.01275.x).
King, L.E. (2010)
The interaction between the African elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) and the African honey bee (Apis mellifera scutellata) and its potential application as an elephant deterrent. DPhil thesis. University of Oxford, UK.
King, L.E., Soltis, J., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Savage, A. & Vollrath, F. (2010)
Bee threat elicits alarm call in African Elephants. PLoS One 5(4), e10346. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0010346.
King, L.E., Lawrence, A., Douglas-Hamilton, I. & Vollrath, F. (2009)
Beehive fence deters crop-raiding elephants. African Journal of Ecology 47, 131–137.
King, L. (2009)
Bees help Protect Crops From Damage by Elephants in Kenya. Bee Craft. September p9-11.
King, L.E., Douglas-Hamilton, I. & Vollrath, F. (2007)
African elephants run from the sound of disturbed bees. Current Biology 17, R832–R833.
Vollrath, F. & Douglas-Hamilton, I. (2002)
African bees to control African elephants. Naturwissenschaften 89, 508–511.
Vollrath, F. & Douglas-Hamilton, I. (2002)
Elephants, buzz off! Swara Magazine. December p20–21.
Elephants and Bees Impact Report 2018
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