Slide background Elephant inspecting an auto rickshaw Elephant inspecting an auto rickshaw

Human-Elephant Conflict in Asia

Humans and elephants in Asia have a long history of living and working alongside each other. Hindu and Buddhist religious traditions accord the elephant a sacred status and humans have been taming, training and riding elephants for millennia. The loss of traditional forms of employment, particularly in logging, has resulted in welfare problems not just for elephants, but also for their handlers. Both of these issues present a challenge for how the two species can share space and live together.

A beehive fence in Sri Lanka

This human-elephant conflict ‘war’ is particularly harsh in India and Sri Lanka. India sees approximately 300 people killed per year by elephants and in 2012 alone, over 60 people were killed by elephants in Sri Lanka. Unfortunately over 250 elephants have consequently been killed by farmers defending their crops in Sri Lanka.

Damage to a house after an elephant raid

Elephant with cows

Elephant with cows

Ivory carvings

Ivory carvings

The Elephants and Bees Project has now started to conduct research and collaborate with Asia elephant researchers to see if Beehive Fence could work to reduce human elephant conflict and promote practical and inexpensive ways to help people protect themselves and their crops.